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E.T.I. Asset Management AG

Asset Management


We are hard workers, systematic, emphasizing long-term capital preservation that focuses on returns, low volatility, and a selection process based on strict macro and micro-economic analysis. These principles may guide us, but they do not restrict us either – ongoing monitoring and risk management help us continue to create the best results for our clients in a dynamic world. We transposed these principles into six mutual funds advised by our teams, with successful strategies and audited track records. These funds offer our clients appropriate exposure to a wide range of investment opportunities and asset classes. We take three main approaches to asset management:

  • High conviction

    We take a benchmark-unconstrained, long-only approach to investing with the aim of delivering consistent, absolute performance while maximizing risk-adjusted returns.

  • Factor-based

    Our factor-based strategies focus on shared characteristics of securities and aim to deliver sustainable risk-adjusted returns. We strive to create resilient portfolios by equally balancing exposure to factors across cycles.

  • Alternative

    We also create more complex strategies, designed to help our clients benefit from diversification and changing market conditions in order to achieve long-term inflation protection

Direct Investments

Our investment strategies work for individual and institutional investors by giving them not only diversification and balanced allocation but also access to private opportunities.

Our proprietary network stretches across United Kingdom, Europe and Asia and allows us to source off-market alternative investment opportunities for our clients. In particular, it opens the door to a lot of opportunities with privately owned companies, seeking expansion capital or partial exit.

We target resilient business models, proven over time, with solid market positioning and sustainable cash flows. While we provide access to private equity and private debt investments, we always look to balance capital preservation and appreciation.

We aren’t just another passive investment manager. We are always looking to co-invest with locally established, trusted partners, providing operational expertise along with exit options.

Private Equity

Our investment strategies work for individual and institutional investors by giving them not only diversification and balanced allocation but also access to private opportunities.

Our proprietary network stretches across Europe and Asia and allows us to source off-market alternative investment opportunities for our clients. In particular, it opens the door to a lot of opportunities for privately owned companies, seeking expansion capital or partial exit. We target resilient business models, proven over time, with solid market positioning and sustainable cash flows. While we provide access to private equity and private debt investments, we always look to balance capital preservation and appreciation.

We aren’t just another passive investment manager. We are always looking to co-invest with locally established, trusted partners, providing operational expertise along with exit options. Whether you are funding your retirement, preparing for a major purchase or laying the foundations for your children’s education, our tailored approach always balances wealth preservation and capital appreciation.

Private Deals

Our private debt opportunities seek to finance well-established businesses through fully vetted loans. Our experience in credit risk analysis provides yield enhancement to your portfolio, helping increase your core returns while keeping your risk management. To explore how our investment strategies could work for you, contact us today.