Dimitrios Kechagias
Dimitrios Kechagias has been at the forefront of systematic investment management for more than 20 years. He has founded two successful investment management companies.
Dimitrios ’s philanthropic interests focus on funding scientific research and the communication of scientific ideas. Dimitrios and his wife are signatories of the Giving Pledge, a commitment to give away more than half their wealth during their lifetimes.
Alain is a graduate of Cambridge University, Dimitrios received a first-class Honours degree in natural sciences, specialising in theoretical physics.
E.T.I. Asset Management AG
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9428 Walzenhausen
E.T.I. Asset Management AG is a company registered in Walzenhausen, Switzerland. Its commercial registry number is CH-320.3.074.219-4 and its IDE/UID is CHE-488.766.184
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