Helena Kechagias
Helena Kechagias - Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Responsible for expanding the company driving profitability matters making important decisions for the company, managing overall operations and setting the strategic direction of E.T.I. Asset Management.
Experience: Helena has over 10 years experience as an CEO and a great knowledge in real estate and investments.
Education: Helena Graduated from University of Basel with an MA degree in Finance.
E.T.I. Asset Management AG
Platz 245
9428 Walzenhausen
E.T.I. Asset Management AG is a company registered in Walzenhausen, Switzerland. Its commercial registry number is CH-320.3.074.219-4 and its IDE/UID is CHE-488.766.184
© E.T.I. Asset Management AG 2025 | All rights reserved.
Mail: info@eti-am.com